Russell Wichmann - Head Girls Track Coach
Phillip Ballard - MHS Track Event Coach
Dustin Decker - MHS Track Event Coach
Paul Delesbore - MHS Track Event Coach
Matthew Royce - MHS Track Event Coach
Frequently Asked Girls Track Questions
1. What time does practice end? Depends on what events your daughter is doing. Those running, doing relays, and field events may go longer (your daughter can tell you this). 4:00 pm is usual ending time for afterschool. Also, ice baths are great idea if they get done sooner.
2. Must she attend practice every day? Yes, unless multi-sport athlete and we go part-time.
3. What if my daughter is complaining of injury? Ask her if icing? Also, she can go to our training staff before school, at lunch or after-school. We recommend our training staff before doctor. If you go to doctor, you MUST bring back doctor note stating what she can and cannot do.
4. May I send a note stating my daughter is sick and I don’t want her working out? Coaches do not accept parent notes in athletics or PE excusing them from practice/workout. However, we will always work with your daughter modify as necessary. Your daughter just needs to let us know but always dress out to get credit.
5. What if my daughter is missing school day and/or practice. Coaches must have prior notice. Athletes are only allowed 3 unexcused throughout the season. Parents/Athletes must clear through attendance also.
6. May my daughter miss for doctor’s appointments? No, per our rules doctor appointments should be scheduled outside practice and are not reasons for missing practice.
7. When do meets start? Mid-February- see schedules on our website.
8. May I check my daughter out at the meet? Only if you have sent an email 24 hours in advance and we add you and daughter to our Transportation Check-out list. Also, we are only signing out athletes at specific times and we will communicate prior to the meet these sign out times. We WILL NOT honor any requests the day of the meet nor at the meet. Track is a huge sport (and unlike other sports, athletes do no participate at the same time nor place and we want to make sure everyone is accounted for and safe.
9. May my daughter leave with a family adult friend? No, only parent, guardian, grandparent who are listed in skyward. SBISD Athletics has communicated that this is the policy that we are to follow. Absolutely no one may they leave with a friend. They may be dismissed from team.
10. There are some exceptions for multi-sport athletes leaving a meet to go to another MHS sporting event or participate in another practice. Please talk to me about this if applies to you.
11. Does my daughter need to sign out at a MHS meet? Yes. We prefer them to stay and cheer on teammates but will work with you if we know in advance as mentioned above.
12. What if my daughter is an alternate on a relay must she stay for this relay? Yes and warm-up with them in case something happens to one of her teammates.
13. Does everyone get to participate in a track meet? No, they are competing every day for spots.
14. What if it is raining, will the meet be canceled? Only if lightening and the meet officials decide to do so. We will let you know as soon as we know. We don’t know yet.
15. When time will my daughter run her event? The pro and con of Track is we can handle big numbers but the meets can vary in length; also meet host preparation and special relay can affect the times. So we are not sure. Most JV meets start at 4 pm and end around 8:30 pm (some shorter some longer). Athletes will text you 15 min prior to pick-up, please be on time.
16. If my daughter is in 8th period track right now, will they get to sign up next year? Only if they are Varsity and/or rising JV defined as those who participated in the district meet (top 3 JV in each event). We allow freshmen to stay in first year for developmental purposes. After the first year they must earn their spot based on performances. Upper classmen coming from another sport must have high recommendation from previous MHS coach and may be asked to participate in time trial. However, if athlete does not make the athletic period but wants to participate in track, they are welcome to come afterschool starting in January to be on the team. We have a spot for everyone who comes with a work ethic, great attitude, and wants to be part of something special!